It took me a long time to decided on a name for my Etsy shop! Seriously, a LONG time. I don't know how many names I came up with, but nothing ever really felt quite right. Then one afternoon it hit me. I had seen other blogs named after a street or address, which I thought was kind of neat. Why not use the name of a street from my life? The street where I grew up in central Kansas was called Random Road. Hmmm... "Random"
definitely described my back-and-forth, going-from-one-thing-to-another style of crafting. I liked the link to my childhood. That is where I tried my first sewing, painting, and crafting projects. Hmmm... Random Road...Creations! Random Road Creations! That was it! Thankfully, Random Road Creations was available as an Etsy shop name! (Otherwise, I'd still probably be trying to think of a name!) It was official!
The name, Random Road Creations, has continued to be a great fit! When my mom, Jan Diller, joined my shop in May (selling her beautiful hand-quilted baby quilts) the name worked for her also! Who know how many cross-stitch, sewing, quilting, and embroidery projects she completed while living on Random Road!